The Hills & Hotels Tour

No Category 1 climbs but plenty of 2's & 3's--a good workout. We stayed in a castle, caves, a cluster of city homes joined into a hotel, the monastery Columbus styed in, a place for royalty (or whoever it is who needs electronic toilets), and a ice plant (circa 1800) & slaughter house (circa 1930) converted into aprtments.


(click on any photo to see all and download)

Andalucia Hot Shots

Andalucia Day 0

Andalucia Day 1

Andalucia Day 2

Andalucia Day 3

Andalucia Day 4

Andalucia Day 5

Andalucia Day 6

Andalucia Day 7

Andalucia Day 8

Andalucia Day 9

Andalucia Day 10

Andalucia Day 11

Andalucia Day 12

Andalucia Day 13

Andulacia the Day after


On Tour in Andalucia-iPad

Flamenco Cave-iPad

On the Road to Granada-iPad

HD Videos

On Tour in Andalucia

Flamenco Cave

On the Road to Granada

