San Carlos de Bariloche to the Chiloe National Park

With Raleigh delighting in -10 to 25 degree days and a 5 inch snowfall, our crew was forced to apply sunscreen repeatedly during our 60-80 degree windless days riding from Argentina over the Andes into Chile, about 300 miles by John Holloway's Garmin. We also had to eat plates full of of homemade empenadas, roasted muscles, and fresh fish. It was tough.


(click on any photo to see all and download)

Patagonia 2015 Hot Shots

Patagonia 2015 Days 1-3 Bariloche to Angostura

Patagonia 2015 Days 4-5 Over the Andes

Patagonia 2015 Days 7-8 Chiloe

Patagonia 2015 Day 6 Puerto Varas


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